get ready to cringe! It’s time for our annual (and always amazingly awkward) Q&A video. just like in past blogiversary weeks, we invited you guys to ask us some personal (i.e. non-decorating) questions over on our Facebook page last week. and after over 150 questions came rolling in, we sat down and answered as many as we could while Clara napped one afternoon – and then culled it down into this 20 minute video. among all of our mind-blowing, no-holds-barred revelations (note the sensationalism) you’ll learn:

If we’d ever let readers vote on the decorating choices we make

What blog post we regret writing

Our thoughts on snarky message boards

If we ever think about reversing our no-swag policy

If we won the lottery, what we’d change about our lives

What our neighbors think of the blog

If we regret choosing our blog name

What ceramic animal I’d save if our house was under a zombie attack

How we keep the blog from consuming our lives

If our marriage is perfect (spoiler alert: nope!)

Why I’ll probably never cut my hair super short again

If I still own just one bra


So now that you’re most likely on the edge of your seat (… or not) here goes nothing:

Our favorite Videos

Clara (and Burger apparently) were napping, hence their non-appearances, but last year we did a little bonus Q&A video with them. So we thought it’d be a fun traditional to put them in the hot seat again. and by hot seat, we mean hurdling hard-hitting questions like “what’s your favorite letter?” let the cross examination begin:

So there you have it, another year of us blathering on about personal stuff and mythical horse sized ducks and mysterious mammals in our crawl space. Did anything surprise you? Or spark another question in your brain? We can’t promise we can answer every one of them in the comments here, but feel free to ask away as potential future fodder for next year…

Psst- want more awkward? here are the Q&A posts for 2012, 2011, 2010 & 2009: part 1 + part 2.


Oh but before we go, let’s talk about you guys for a second. each year we love finding out who the heck you guys are, and then on Friday John can make a nerd-tastic infographic all about it (last year’s had Beyonce in it, so it might be hard to top that).

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